lactation consultation

Let’s connect

Virtual Consultation

Let's connect virtually to address your breastfeeding concerns, questions, goals, and/or accomplishments. Each connection is followed up with an email summary of the connection.


  • Cost - $150

In-Person consultation

Let's connect in person to see what's going on with breastfeeding. We can meet in-office or in the comfort of your home. During our time together, we may go over the following:

  • Latch & positioning

  • Nipple and/or breast pain

  • Milk supply & milk transfer

  • All things pumping (pumping schedule, flange fitting, etc.)

  • And so much more!

Please keep in mind that in-home connections are only available for Los Angeles County.


  • In-Home Visit - $350

  • In-Office Visit - $275

    Visits with multiples are higher and pricing is shared at the time of booking